Understanding your Obligations under EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009
This course covers your requirements under EU regulation 1223/2009. In 2009 the EU Regulation 1223/2009 came into force, however it was not fully enforceable until July 2013. Anyone manufacturing or selling cosmetics within the European Economic Area now has to abide by this law, this includes anyone retailing cosmetics manufactured by a third party.
Where is the regulation enforced? The law refers to ‘The EU Market’ and ‘The Community’ which means the all 27 EU countries and Iceland, Norway & Liechtenstein.
The full list is: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
We will also cover the UK implementation law – The Cosmetics Products Enforcement Regulations 2013. These cover how the EU regulations will be implemented in the UK including penalties, labelling details. Each state also has their own implementation law, which can be found on individual Government websites.
It is important to note that individual EU states also have their own separate legislation that is enforced alongside the EU legislation. If you intend to sell in another EU state other than the UK this would need to be researched by individuals.
Law Covered
Is my product safe?
Are my ingredients safe?
What is a cosmetic product?
Responsible Person
What is a responsible person?
Who is the responsible person for my product?
I contract out my production, am I the responsible person?
Who is a distributor?
When am I a distributor, not the responsible person?
Safety Assessment
Who needs a safety Assessment?
Do I need one for each product?
What if I just make small changes?
Do I need to have my products tested?
Product Information File
What is a PIF?
When do I have to make a PIF?
Sampling & Analysis
What sampling and analysis do I need?
How long should I keep my samples?
Who has to register?
How do I notify?
What is the process?
Where do I notify?
Do I have to pay to notify?
What ingredients can’t I use in my products?How much essential oil can I use?
How much fragrance can I use?
What are nanomaterials?
Do I have any in my products?
What do I need to do if I use these?
Animal Testing
Hasn’t this been banned?
Does it still happen in the cosmetics market?
Do I have to put my address on my label?
Does all the information have to be on a label on the product?
What do I need on my label?
Can you check my label for me?
Product Claims
What can I claim?
What is ‘proof’ of a claim?
What happens if I don’t fulfil my obligations?
Good Manufacturing Practice
Who has to work to GMP?
Attend our GMP Course
EU Cosmetics Regulation
We will cover each section in detail and look at what is required under the regulations.
We have an in-house laboratory and so we understand the requirements of each of the tests in detail. We have many years of experience in running a cosmetics business and working to the legislation and so we understand in detail what is required by the law.
Although the course is all theoretical we include time to talk about the practical application of the law. The two days allows plenty of time for attendees to ask questions about the application of the law and allows us to provide a relaxed atmosphere. Previously a one day version of the course was offered, however we found that this was too intense for most people and many attendees left with unanswered questions, the two days allows you to have an evening to absorb information and return with any questions on day 2. Time is allotted on the morning of day 2 for any burning questions you may have!
We will spend time to look at the practical application of essential oil regulations.
Whilst it may seem that this course would be boring, listening to two days of theoretical knowledge of the law in fact it can be very rewarding. Feedback from customers has shown that many actually enjoy the course and it gives a greater understanding of what is required to manufacture cosmetics safely and legally. Areas such as legal use of Essential Oils are covered in quite a lot of detail, in order that attendees feel confident and happy that they understand what is required of them.
We provide some useful documentation by email after the course, although notes are only provided in hard copy. A copy of the presentation and extra notes, as well as a copy of the law and extra regulations/guidance is provided with space for note writing.
No previous knowledge of the law or cosmetics is required for this course. The course is for anyone producing cosmetics, from a small start-up (or if you haven’t started anything yet) to larger, experienced producers. Many of our customers are just starting out with their business and so we do allow for this when teaching. Plenty of time is provided for questions, and the relaxed atmosphere allows for this.
The spirit of the law is to harmonise standards between countries and producers of cosmetics in the EU, and we teach the course in that spirit. Whilst it may seem that the law places a burden on many smaller producers it also has a very positive part to play in the industry. The legislation can be used to improve standards of production, Good Manufacturing and ultimately safety to the end consumer. Most producers want to produce safe cosmetics of a high standard, and this is the aim of the legislation. When used positively, the requirements of the legislation can improve the general standards of the industry.
The course ends with a group test – don’t worry this isn’t exam conditions! We do a test, but it is all together as a group discussion. This allows the answers to be discussed, and this often answers any final questions attendees may have.
Please note: this course covers the legal aspects of production and testing requirements, but does not cover practical aspects of formulation such as achieving a test pass in stability or Preservative Efficacy. These can be experienced in our making courses.
After the Course
You will understand the following aspect when you have completed the EU Cosmetic Regulation Course
What aspects of the law apply to your business
How to apply the law
Legal use of ingredients
Legal use of essential oils
How to purchase toxicology services from Naturallythinking
What is required from a business to allow an assessment to be performed
You will also have a full set of notes to refer to. Whilst we endeavour to offer some basic support after course attendance we do offer a legislation consultancy service and label assessment service that you can order online.
You will receive a certificate of attendance after the course for your records.
Accreditation: These courses are purely run on a private basis and no accreditation is received. All certificates issued are certificates of attendance.
Course Times
Registration Day 1: 9:45
The course runs for two days 10am – approx. 3.30pm with an hour lunch break and two tea breaks.
Lunch is Provided, Please see below for details
Free Parking On Site, No Reservation Required
Cancellation Policy
Please see cancellation details below
You can view the full ingredients by Clicking Here
EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Course Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Course The SDS can be downloaded by Clicking Here
EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Course Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Course The TDS can be downloaded by Clicking Here
EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Course Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Generate the certificate of analysis for your purchased product by entering your Batch Number which can be found on the packaging of your product.
EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Course Allergens Declaration
Generate an allergens declaration for your purchase (essential oils only)