Melissa Essential Oil

Melissa has a clean top note scent, making it excellent for blending, a wonderful oil for anxiety and stress

$45.25 - $305.93
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Melissa has a clean top note scent, making it excellent for blending, a wonderful oil for anxiety and stress

Melissa Essential Oil

The plant grows well in the UK and Europe. Normally around 60cm in height it has a high iron content.


The word Melissa in Greek means "honeybee" and this is where it gets its name. Melissa is also known as Lemon Balm. Melissa has a very clean scent, slightly towards the high side which makes it excellent for blending.

Oils to Blend with

Melissa blends well with many oils though the most popular and obvious is Lavender. The two oils work together beautifully. Melissa also blends well with for both scent and therapeutic properties: Basil, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Geranium, Frankincense, Lavender, Ylang Ylang.

Latin Name

Melissa officinalis

Plant Family


Extraction Method

The essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering tops and the leaves and stems. The yield is about 0.01 - 0.02%

Country of Origin

United Kingdom

Chemical Constituents

Trans-ocimene, cis-ocimene, 3-octanone, methyl hepenone, cis-3-hexenol, 3-octanol, 1-octen-3-ol, copaene, citronellal, linalool, b-bourbonene, caryophyllene, a-humulene, neral, germacrene-D, geranial, geranyl acetate, d-cadinene, y-cadinene, nerol and geraniol.


As with all essential oils we recommend not using during pregnancy.

Blends Well With:
Basil, Chamomile (Roman), Rose, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Ylang Ylang
Avoid During Pregnancy, Avoid if you have Sensitive Skin, Use in Small Amounts
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom
Latin Name:
Melissa officinalis
Traditional Physical Properties:
Slows heart beat, lowers blood pressure, Headaches, Migranes
Part of Plant Used:
Leaves & Flowering Tops
100% Pure
Clean, Lemon like scent
Key Benefits:
Nervous Exhaustion
Traditional Emotional Use:
Depression, Nerves, Panic, Hysteria
Traditional Skin Use:
Cold Sores
HS Code:
HS Description:
Melissa Essential Oil
HS Country:
HS Composition:
Viscous Liquid


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Melissa Essential Oil Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Melissa Essential Oil The SDS can be downloaded by Clicking Here

Melissa Essential Oil Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Melissa Essential Oil The TDS can be downloaded by Clicking Here

Melissa Essential Oil Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Generate the certificate of analysis for your purchased product by entering your Batch Number which can be found on the packaging of your product.

Melissa Essential Oil Allergens Declaration

Generate an allergens declaration for your purchase (essential oils only)