Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers

An opening tool for our jerry cans

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Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers

The Jerry Can Opening Tool makes opening our 5 Litre containers a breeze, with one simple turn the lid is opened. The tool is reusable and made to last. The Jerry Can Wrench is easy to use and lightweight.

About our 5 Litre UN Approved Jerry Cans

We package all of our 5 Litre liquid products in UN approved Jerry Cans, to ensure they aren't damaged during tranpsort to you and for the ulitmate in keeping the oils and ingredients fresh.

The containers are stackable, so they are great for storage, taking up less room when stored.

HS Code:
HS Description:
Plastic lid opener
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You can view the full ingredients by Clicking Here

Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers The SDS can be downloaded by Clicking Here

Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers The TDS can be downloaded by Clicking Here

Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Generate the certificate of analysis for your purchased product by entering your Batch Number which can be found on the packaging of your product.

Jerry Can Opening Tool for 5 Litre Containers Allergens Declaration

Generate an allergens declaration for your purchase (essential oils only)